
Freedom Unshackled is a grassroots organization focused on addressing challenges of racial discrimination and gender inequity within the criminal justice system. We accomplish this by confronting elected officials and advocating for the voiceless.
We fight to speak truth to power while representing incarcerated marginalized groups. We demand justice, inclusivity, and dignity for all races, genders, and ethnicities within the criminal justice system.
Sexual Assault in Prison
Gate Fees
Inmate Wages
Clemency, as defined by the State Constitution (Article IV, Section 4), provides the Governor “the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons after convictions for all offenses except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions and with such restrictions and limitations...”
Only the Governor may grant clemency and it is only granted under the most compelling circumstances.
Pardons, may be considered if no other adequate administrative or legal remedy is available, it permits a conviction to be set aside where there is overwhelming and convincing proof of innocence not available at the time of conviction.
Computation of Sentences, (reduction) of an incarcerated individual's minimum period of imprisonment may enable them to be considered for release on community supervision at a time earlier than permitted by the court-imposed sentence.